2023年4月16日 星期日

拉斯維加斯免費吃住玩 - myVEGAS金幣被清空了(15)




Hello and thank you for contacting PLAYSTUDIOS support! As previously stated, notifications were sent out to players who had not logged into the game recently, notifying them that their LP would be removed if they didn't log in and spin by September 15th. Because the required amount of activity wasn't recorded on your account after the expiration the Loyalty Points were removed from your account. I apologize for any frustration this may have caused, but the points are expired because you were inactive or not logging in. They didn't expire because you missed an email. The email was just sent as a courtesy notification. Unfortunately we are no longer reinstating points. Per our Terms of Service, when an Account has been deemed inactive, PLAYSTUDIOS may, at its own discretion, expire any Loyalty Points accumulated by You. Once your account is deemed inactive, any Rewards which have been purchased but not yet redeemed may also be expired at the discretion of PLAYSTUDIOS. To view our Terms of Service please click here (https://www.playstudios.com/terms/). It's recommended to play the game regularly and to also whitelist emails from the following addresses to prevent these types of notifications from being filtered to a spam folder: noreply@myvegas.com noreply@m.myvip.co noreply@myvip.co noreply@myrewards.com If you need to update your email address with us, please submit a new request and we'll be happy to assist. Thank you again for contacting PLAYSTUDIOS support! Have a great day and Happy Spinning! 🎰



